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​In 1991, while at work with his mother, Scott came upon a set of videos entitled "Beginning Photography."  After viewing the videos, he was hooked.

In the following years, he attended several conferences and workshops, usually the youngest in attendance, and earned numerous awards and recognitions.

Once in high school, Scott quickly joined up with the Yearbook/Newspaper staff and continued working solely with black and white photography.  By his Junior year, he was named Photo Editor of "The Horn" yearbook at John Marshall High School.


Scott continues to fine tune his skills in Digital Photography while at the same time, mastering lighting techniques and editing skills.  Just as a true artist, Scott is never 100% satisfied. "There will always be something that I can work on to become a better photographer," Scott says regularly.


​While the advances in digital photography continue to improve, film photography remains Scott's true passion.


"The Greater The Artist, The  Greater The Doubt. Perfect Confidence Is Granted To The Less Talented As A Consolation Prize."

-Robert Hughes

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